Jetting away?  What's the biggest bag you can carry-on?We have compiled an extensive Airline Carry-On* bag guide to help you find the right Think Tank Photo and MindShift Gear bags for your trip.Since our last review many carry-on allowances have changed, and there are a lot of new bags!CLICK ON… READ MORE »

Shape Shifter 15 V2 backpack - adding a Belt

The webbing waist belt that comes with the Shape Shifter V2 is removable.Once removed, you can then use the Shape Shifter V2with any Think Tank Photo Belt.After removing the webbing waist belt, open up the rear lumbar support flap by undoing the velcro connection at the bottom of the bag.Now… READ MORE »

The Societies Boudoir and Beauty Photographer of the Year 2018

So this thing happened! What thing?  ... The Societies Photographer of the Year 2018 competition.Throughout the year The Societies members submit images to the monthly online competition, which is judged by some of the most esteemed Fellow, Master and Grand Master photographers in the UK and across the world. All monthly… READ MORE »