Lightech Softshell's patented softboxes offer excellent characteristics: they are extremely light and space-saving, without any limitations in terms of product quality and final size.
Lightech Softshell has the poles that were designed to be external to the main structure. This makes assembly particularly easy and quick, especially for rectangular models, which don't require more than a minute to be ready for use.
Softshell softboxes are capable of providing extremely soft light, avoiding high-lights and spots on the subject, and offering soft transitions between lights and shades. That's why our softboxes are an excellent choice also for the traditional studio work.
Unique characteristics:
Structural poles
Ultra-light telescopic poles made of hollow aluminium. All the sections are connected by an elastic band that keeps them together, even after they are put back in the bag , making assembly easier.
Tissues used are ultra-light, easily foldable, strong, built to last. Softboxes's interior features a silver lining, providing good light reflection and excellent softness.
Aluminium poles are fixed to the tissue by metallic loops. This makes them extremely resistant to wear and repeated assemblies.
Internal sheet
The internal sheet plays a key role in the final performance of the softbox, defining the light uniformity and quality it provides. Each Softshell features an extremely sophisticated internal sheet, made up of multiple overlapping layers of fabric becoming progressively thinner towards the edges. The central thickness is such as to block direct rays which could cause high lights or unwanted spots on the subject.
Anti-wind kit
Softshell softboxes are designed for difficult situations. A windproof guy ropes system can be attached to the corners of the softbox. The anti-wind kit will allow you to firmly fix the lighting system (stand and softshell) to the ground, without the need of the traditional weights. This allows the photographer to keep the lighting system in place without the aid of an assistant.
VIDEO: http://vimeo.com/49154570